Benefits of Cloud Hosted Software

April 24, 2019
The Benefits of Cloud-Based Software Solutions We covered the benefits of choosing to purchase ShopWorx as a client-server software in our previous blog post. The other option, our cloud-based software, ...

The Benefits of Cloud-Based Software Solutions

We covered the benefits of choosing to purchase ShopWorx as a client-server software in our previous blog post. The other option, our cloud-based software, is equally popular and also has many benefits. Here are some of the main benefits associated with cloud-based software systems.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Software

Cloud-based software is hosted offsite and is accessible from any computer through the use of the Internet. This allows employees to access your system from any device that is connected, instead of just those computers in your office on which the Apparel ERP or sign business software are installed.

The main benefit of cloud-based software systems is that they take up far less space since you don’t need an extensive IT infrastructure to host the entire system in-house. They also cost less upfront since there is a monthly fee instead of a large one-time payment and smaller yearly installments.

Cloud-hosted systems are updated more regularly since they don’t require physical installation onsite. They also lower your payroll costs, since you don’t need such a large in-house IT department to support your entire business infrastructure. Your company information and files are also safe if something happens to your hardware, and even theft of your hardware doesn’t equate to loss of your business information.

The best comparison to be made between the two methods of hosting software solutions for business is the difference between renting and owning a car. You have all of the benefits of transportation when you rent, but you don’t have to take care of maintenance. There is a trade-off in the higher monthly and overall cost in the long run, though, and the decision between which is best for you depends on the nature of your business.

Now that you’ve learned about the benefits of cloud-based software, learn what questions to ask when considering a Cloud-Based ERP Software.

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