ShopWorx Financing Partners

At ShopWorx, we understand that the cost to purchase client-server hosted software can be relatively high. To help make these costs manageable, we have partnered with finance business institutions that can provide more affordable options for acquiring software solutions.

There are two institutions we have partnered with, and both are great options if you are looking for a viable financing option for investing in new Apparel ERP or print estimating software.

Treasure Coast Equipment Financing

This financing establishment offers “hand crafted financing solutions” in a “fast, friendly and flexible” way. They offer a wide range of programs that serve all industries looking to invest in new equipment or software for their business, including the screen printing industry and the embellished product industry. They also offer bundle equipment and software in a single financing package to make your payments and financial situation that much easier.

This is a great financing institution to consider, and can be reached at 772-978-1195 or by emailing

Trinex Capital

This financing institution specializes in meeting financing needs for medium- and small-sized businesses, including funding equipment and software transactions. Funding is available for up to $70,000 in working capital, in addition, without proof of financial statements required. Trinex Capital has a reputation for serving businesses with a personal touch, and creating packages that are ideal and custom for businesses that may not be able to attain financing otherwise.

They can be reached at 714-550-9180 at any time to discuss personal financing options. Clients who are looking for financing options to purchase ShopWorx software should consider both options before making their decision.

Are eValuation Webinars for You?

ShopWorks offers a lot of training and information help, including several different types of webinars, videos covering a range of topics and more. These materials are meant to help companies like yours see if the software solutions for business that ShopWorks has available will work with your business. In fact, one of the types of webinars offered are eValuation webinars, which are specially designed to help companies that are evaluating ShopWorks to decide if they want to make the switch.

There are webinars scheduled regularly, ranging from order management and tracking to the production tools that are available in the ShopWorks software suite that can teach you how to track order status in real time with ShopWorks, how it can help you deliver better customer service, how to capture labor costs with ShopWorks and more. If none of the scheduled webinars fit your schedule, there are recorded webinars available online that you can watch at your own convenience.

Call 800-526-6702 with any questions you have about ShopWorks eValuation Webinars.

Why are More than 500 Companies Using OnSite 7?

Screen Print Shop Management Software

More than 500 companies in the embellished product industry are currently using OnSite 7, and many of those companies have expressed complete satisfaction with the software solutions for business that OnSite 7 provides. Here are some of the top reasons why companies like yours love OnSite 7.

• John Phyllis from Impact Promotions wrote that Shopworks has become the “brains” of their organization, and saves countless hundreds of hours each year. By cutting down the time that needs to be spent on simple tasks, time is freed up to focus on selling more products and growing the business as a whole.

• Challen Powers wrote that Progressive Design Apparel has been using Shopworks since 2001, and have found that it streamlines the business process, cutting out unnecessary effort and time so that work flow and communication are much more efficient.

• Even though Shopworks was designed with embellished product companies in mind, it still works well in other industries, as proven by Piesco Sporting Goods.

Call us at 800-526-6702 with any questions you have about the our screen print shop management software.

Why ShopWorks Central?

Online Business Software Solutions

The software experts at Shopworks have developed a website called “ShopWorks Central” for distributing training resources and new upgrades for their software suites. They chose a website over other popular methods of distributing online business software solutions for businesses for several reasons.

• Often when materials are distributed individually, the client must choose which training videos and packages they are interested in ahead of time and order them. Having a website instead allows people to have access more material by erasing the limits on what can be sent and received.
• The space capabilities are greater online than on a CD, allowing the ShowWorx team to create more material on a more frequent basis.
•  ShopWorks clients have access to any training material they may need around the clock.
• If a problem arises, clients can immediately search for troubleshooting videos and download them. This way, problems don’t need to be foreseen with enough time to order material and have it delivered.
• Since the same username and password is used for the entire company, any worker can have access to training materials simultaneously.

ShopWorks University Training Tags:

If you are looking for additional training to help you and your employees become more proficient with your software solutions for business, there are many options that are available. These include online training videos, a special visit from a certified ShopWorks expert, on premises training, and more. One of the most popular options are the live training events that we host throughout the United States as part of ShopWorks University.

These events have been held in medium to large-sized cities in many different states, including Las Vegas, San Antonio, New Orleans and Orlando, and are typically two or three day events. They include courses ranging from ShopWorks OnSite training, to overall business consulting, to information flow and more.

Clients in the past have found these events to be useful, however they use their software — whether they employ it as Apparel ERP, sign business software, print estimating software, or if they use it for another application.

Once course typically costs $450 – $500 per attendee, and attendees are eligible for dramatically discounted hotel rates in most cities, including a room for as low as $59 on the Las Vegas Strip. Events and courses typically start at 8 a.m. and run through the afternoon, in order to give you as much additional training as possible, and help is available for ShopWorks users of all skill levels. Many companies choose to send their executives and a few select managers in order to get the most out of the training opportunity. The managers can then pass what they’ve learned on to their employees.

More Benefits of Business Software

Benefits of ERP Software Solutions

We provided several benefits of using on-site software in our last blog to help convince you if you are still vacillating on whether to purchase business software for the first time, or purchase a more current system, including saved time and money. The benefits are much more widespread than saving time and money, though. Here are a few more benefits that come with investing in ERP software solutions for business:

• You have access to community support. If you run your business entirely on your own, you rely on partnerships or relationships with competitors for support or answers to questions. Purchasing apparel ERP or other types of business software opens up to you a whole host of training resources, support services and businesses in the same industry as yours when you have questions or problems. This support can be crucial to growth within your business and for problem solving when issues do arise.
• Your file system is streamlined. Having dozens of filing cabinets with physical records isn’t only an organizational nightmare, but it can also be disastrous if you need to find a file quickly and can’t. ERP business software keeps all of your information in one logical, streamlined place, allowing you to access to past jobs and records with incredible ease. This makes duplicating past jobs effortless, and can largely relieve the stress that comes with an audit if you do receive a notice of one. There should already be an infrastructure built in to your software for storing files — but make sure you customize it to directly meet your business needs.

Learn about 5 Reasons to Use Business Software.

Spark Innovation Within Your Company: Part 2

In our last blog we gave you several tips for sparking innovation within your staff, including encouraging them to work together, investing in reliable software solutions for business like information services or print services that allow employees to give feedback and take surveys, and encouraging employees to engage in trial and error. Here are a few more tips to help you innovate within your company to initiate growth:

• With so much information available online today, people tend to get stuck in the it’s-been-done-before mentality, and don’t pursue any of their ideas. Make sure you help generate motion that breaks past this block. Even if another company has done something somewhat similar, you can still take an idea, make it your own, and turn it into something that is unique and worthwhile. The key to this tip is giving examples and encouraging any ideas with promise that they bring to you.

• Make sure you have a broad definition of innovation. True innovation isn’t limited to the quick, multi-million ideas, but spans the smaller ideas that help grow your company, generate smaller profits, and even those ideas that are simply steps to larger ideas and bigger deals. Make sure your employees don’t feel too much pressure to come up with truly earth-shattering ideas, but come to you with all of their ideas, no matter how small they seem.

• Finally, you need to listen to your employees, at all levels, when they want to speak to you. This involves setting up a system of leadership so employees in the warehouse have someone to bring their ideas and complaints to. Once you hear something, make sure you address it, or they won’t feel inclined to help you improve your company.

OnSite 7 Isn’t Limited to Desk Work and Data

OnSite 7 was designed to simplify and consolidate many aspects of business, but beyond simplifying work between employees at their desks and on the online network, it was also designed to be used on the production floor.

Not only are you able to store many different production details and come back to them easily in the future, but you can also create production schedules and track different orders through the production process. Whether jobs demand dynamic schedules, or they have simpler scheduling needs, OnSite 7 was designed to help you create and track these schedules without pain or complication.

When the description says OnSite 7 was designed to simplify all areas of business, it really means all areas. Whether your employees are calling clients, logging information behind a desk, or working on a conveyor belt in your production facilities, OnSite 7 has specifically designed features to make their jobs easier and more efficient.

ShopWorx Support Options

If you are having issues with your onsite software system from ShopWorx, or you want to know how to better utilize your software solutions for business, there are several business software support options that are available to you.

1. The first and one of the most comprehensive options is ShopWorx Central, a web-based resource center that you can access as a ShopWorx customer. This center is the main method through which we distribute training resources and updates to our customers, but it can also help support your company in other ways. Material is posted regularly to help you become better acquainted with your system and any updates that are made available, training material is available 24/7, and certain trouble-shooting documents are also downloadable.

2. Another great support option is our remote support software, which allows us to help you with your on-premises system from our headquarters, no matter where you are located. This is also the easiest way to fix any problems that have arisen within your system, as our technicians can log into your OnSite 7 system and find the issue, explain what has happened to you, and resolve it.

3. Finally, you can opt for phone support. With this option, you are limited to help between 8:30 am to 5:30 pm EDT, but you do get to speak to a real person and receive help fixing your system. To use this option, simply call 1-800-526-6702 to get started. Your call will be charged to your Technical Support Contract in 15-minute increments.

OnSite 7 Improves Design Management

Design Management ERP Software

Among the many other things that business management software can do for your company is improved design management. This will lead to your customer having a better experience, your artist having a clearer schedule and better time-management, and an easier transition from designing to producing.

One of the greatest things that business management software does is consolidate and store all of your information for you. This means that when you want to access a particular design, you will find customer’s designs, details and specifications with production parameters that are related to that design, your artist’s work schedule and date for completion — and much more, all at the tip of your fingers.

When your design management improves, your customer satisfaction and customer service improve, as well, leading to better retention of customers and less stress among your staff members. There’s no reason you should be doing these tasks yourself — let the computer do them for you.