Four Ways that Controversial Apparel Could Hurt Your Business

April 23, 2019
When companies use apparel software to allow customers to create their own designs and upload them to their system, controversial apparel could end up being featured. Sometimes this could cause ...

When companies use apparel software to allow customers to create their own designs and upload them to their system, controversial apparel could end up being featured. Sometimes this could cause a stir, since controversial designs could be misinterpreted or offend some people. When this happens, it could damage the company. The same can happen if your company is the one creating the offensive screen prints.

1. In the past, selling controversial apparel boosted sales, since people flocked to the stores and websites to see the clothing in question. However, the advent of social media changed this. Now, everyone sees the clothing in question on Facebook and Twitter, and no longer come into the stores. In addition, bad press travels much faster than before.

2. The instant rating and reviewing that social media offers makes it difficult for stores to come back from a scandal. When something is produced that people don’t like, they can now share it loudly and, in many cases, others will follow. People even organize boycotts this way.

3. Putting forth products without thinking first could become an issue. Companies have to really think about how a product will impact the consumer before putting it out. This dispels issues before they start.

4. All consumers are now brand ambassadors. This means that they have the upper hand when it comes to product choices. If they don’t like it, within days everyone knows, and many, then, do not like it. Plus, if enough people complain about a product, it ends up on the news for everyone to see. News spreads like wildfire online.

For more information about the apparel industry, contact us at ShopWorks.

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