A Guide to ShopWorx Software Solutions

A Guide to ShopWorx Software Solutions

One of the biggest keys to success, when you are opening or running a business, is having reliable software solutions for business to keep your company operating effectively and smoothly. With ShopWorx, you are able to build upon your OnSite software, whether you are using it for apparel management, or as sign business software, to customize your system to your needs and give your customers a more user-friendly experience.

Here is a short guide to the different ERP software solutions offered by ShopWorx:

OnSite is the basic business software system. It is an internal database hosted on your server that enables you to run your business efficiently entirely on site. With this system, you can offer quotes on orders, enter new orders, keep track of purchasing, inventory, receiving and production, manage designs and monitor shipping, accounting, and more. This service is primarily used by you and your employees, and interfaces with other applications and websites so that your entire company has a unified image.

ProofStuff is a web application that allows you and your customers to manage customer art and to complete different levels of document proofing. This service integrates seamlessly with your OnSite system.

• Orders Link is another add-on web application that allows customers to get regular updates on order status. Since it communicates directly with your OnSite 7 system, you don’t need to generate these updates manually.

PromoStores is another web application that helps individual companies manage stores through yours. As with the other two applications, it seamlessly integrates with your system.

Consolidation and Convenience

While software solutions for business help reduce human error, make doing taxes easier and increase productivity, they have two particularly useful functions that are invaluable: consolidation and convenience. The onsite software available from ShopWorx and the additional applications available all aim to fulfill these functions.

Here is a brief guide to the programs available and the functions that they fulfill within your business:

OnSite 7 is an internal database that is hosted onsite on your server. This is the main business software system that is available, and all other programs integrate with this one. It can help create quotes, allow easier order entry, purchasing, inventory, receiving and production. It also has design management capabilities and has functions to help with shipping and accounting.
ProofStuff is an online proofing system that allows for customer art and document proofing. It presents a consistent interface for customers to interact with and helps reduce errors throughout the art proofing process.
ManageOrders is a web application that keeps customers updated on their order status throughout the process of creating their products. This helps ensure customer satisfaction and keeps the order going smoothly from the time it is placed through to when it is received.
PromoStores is another web application that offers fulfillment and company store functions. It allows companies to run their own promotional product stores through your website, and provides a consistent and professional interface for all users. This is one of the most popular applications for increasing customer convenience.

Award Companies Business Software

If you own an award company, OnSite software is award companies business software that was created for you. The software suite from ShopWorks is one of the most popular and most efficient award companies’ business software in the industry, and it works because our software experts took the time when they were designing and writing it to speak to customers, leaders, owners and managers in the award company industry about what they need in software solutions for businesses like theirs.

ShopWorks has been key for helping companies streamline their production processes and information flow, and has improved management practices that had previously been stagnant for years.

Among other functions, ShopWorks allows companies to sell items with components, or individually see jobs that are on the production schedule, by either department or machine, and attach files and documents to transactions and work orders.

Through the software, items can be sold themselves or made up of other components, which is a great feature for companies that focus on manufacturing traditional trophies. Companies can also manage and view production schedules based on many different factors, including date, worker, department and more.

If you need to be able to do more than the basic ShopWorks will allow, you can also opt to add one of the other programs to your system, including SAGE, InkSoft, PromoStores, ProofStuff, and more.

If you have any questions about how ShopWorks can help your company, call 561-491-6000, or email sales@shopworx.com. We are happy to assist you in any way we can during standard business hours, and we will get back to you as soon as possible, if we can’t immediately answer.

PromoStores : The Pre-Printed Software Option

When you work in the industry of digital printing systems, such as the screen-printing industry, you need a software program that can help lighten your workload. Here at ShopWorks, we have that exact program. PromoStores is part of our software lineup that is used to make the marketing and ordering process of pre-printed shirts easy.

PromoStores, as mentioned, is made for pre-printed shirts. For example, if you have a client that wants to offer shirts featuring their company logo, PromoStores can handle the online shopping experience. When customers visit their site, they can place their orders. The software delivers the information to you through the OnSite software program, eliminating the need for double entries. The rest of the OnSite suite will take over the rest of the order, all the way to shipping it out.

PromoStores apparel design technology is not made for shirts that can be custom-created by clients. Instead, it is made for pre-printed designs that can be shipping out with ease and precision. Here at ShopWorks, we have worked hard to ensure that PromoStores is the perfect option for any company wanting to promote its personal brand or logo on products. Used in conjunction with OnSite, and you have the perfect selling machine for pre-printed shirts.

Contact us today to learn more about PromoStores and OnSite, as well as our other software programs. Each one works with the other to provide easy integration, which means that it will be easy for you and for your employees to learn the software.

Promotional Products Business Software Applications

Promotional Product Business Software Applications

Promotional products businesses are in an industry where business software can help improve efficiency and tremendously simplify the running of their business. Here are some of the main reasons why software can help these businesses.

• Artwork: Businesses like these use artwork for almost every product they create, and often they will need the same artwork later on, when more promotional products are ordered. OnSite 7 allows companies to store artwork and information for different clients in one convenient, easy-to-access location on the network. This also allows different employees to access the same information, if someone else should handle an order from the same company in the future.
• Size Matrix: This helps immensely for apparel items.
• Issue and Track: These features help you to manage vendors and sub-contractors, while also providing useful information on completion and progress to your clients.
• Price Calculation: You can calculate prices based on different facts, such as the number of products, the colors used or other factors.

Learn about the benefits of using OnSite Software for Promotional Product Businesses.

Why Buy PromoStores?

Dynamic E-Commerce Software Solution

PromoStores is an entirely database-driven, dynamic web-based e-commerce solution application that integrates seamlessly with your OnSite system from ShopWorks, to help take orders from the web without creating a double data entry in your system. To do this, it handles fulfillment products, such as big orders with individually-branded company stores, by designing and maintaining their online stores for them.

Once a customer places an order on the web site, PromoStores brings the order into your OnSite system, without re-entering the information, eliminating work for you and employees, while also freeing up storage space in your system. Since the program was created to pair with OnSite 7, customers haven’t typically had major issues and say they are pleased with the additional features.

An important note: PromoStores was designed for finished, printed items, not for “build a shirt” customers. If you are looking for a “build a shirt” application, there are other applications that were created to fit your needs that integrate just as seamlessly as PromoStores.

Why Use PromoStores

PromoStores – E-Commerce Business Software Solution

Your website is one of the most important aspects of your business. You can offer the best products and customer service available, but you will not be able to keep your digital doors open if customers don’t have a user friendly way to find out about the services and products you offer and place their order.

PromoStores is a web application and software solution for business that integrates seamlessly with your onsite software to create an e-commerce solution that is convenient for both you and your customers. This system enables you to take web orders without double data entry, and has built-in shopping cart features that have been specifically researched and created to be customized for the promotional apparel industry.

PromoStore’s initial design was meant to handle preprint, or fulfillment, products for larger customers who want branded company stores. Thus, they can create an online store that is designed and maintained by PromoStores and administered by you. This way, other companies are able to offer their own branded products to their customers and your business still grows.

When orders come in, whether through these satellite stores or through your own website, they are then brought into your OnSite 7 system without you having to physically re-enter the information. While traditional “HTML” websites are flat, PromoStores is dynamic and entirely database-driven. You can add pages or products at the click of a button.

Please note that if you want a “build a shirt” application, you will need an art design program and an online proofing system, in addition to PromoStores.

Add PromoStores

PromoStores, an E-Commerce Software Solution

Among the many different additional software applications you can integrate with your OnSite 7 software suite is PromoStores, which is one of several web-based e-commerce software solutions for businesses that can solve many of your order issues.

This application allows you to take orders from the web and input the information directly into your system without “double data entry,” and has a built-in shopping cart feature that allows you to completely customize your shopping cart for your industry. This, in turn, is more convenient for your customer, your managers and employees, who are processing the orders and the employees who are manufacturing the products.

This application was designed primarily for handling preprint or fulfillment products, such as orders from larger customers who want to create their own “branded” company and need an online store that can be designed and maintained for them. The store will still be administered by you, and you can charge extra, but it will help your customer in all of the ways that they need.

If orders come in off the web, OnSite 7 brings them straight into the system for you using traditional HTML solutions. This application is entirely database-driven and dynamic, and allows you to add a page or product to your website or access administrative areas, without having to jump through hoops. With a few clicks, you can maintain your site and store sites you are maintaining for customers.

This product was not designed for “build a shirt” applications, and only works with printed or “finished” items. Call if you have any questions about integrating PromoStores with your software.